Peter ERZVO Zvonar

He offers an escape route from the small box of the mind and everyday morals…
We commend you on “DARK” which reflects a visual intensity.and a unique individual expression . Your impassioned lens in “WET” creatively encapsulates a unique artistic vision with luminescent positive energy as it radiates a lyrical, poetic artistic viewpoint. We enjoyed your sterling visual voyage in “BODY AND SOUL” with its sophisticated, compelling composition which reflects a unique sensitive “Third Eye.” Your aesthetically absorbing “FREEDOM” reverberates with a powerful interplay of light interacting with vibrant tonal combinations, as it is juxtaposed with a superb perspective. Your provocative ‘Oeuvre” oeuvre treasures our world with its eternal visual symbolism and embodies a timeless message while offering a powerful narrative. We salute you on your intriguing work which conveys the invisible within the visible and seizes the essence of the emotional and physical experience with a profound sensitivity to humankind. Your compelling photography reveals a timeless perspective and passionately captures the excitement and visceral quality of our universe.
Amsterdam Whitney Gallery New York
John Austin is an art writer living and working in Manhattan
Peter Erzvo Zvonar is a Slovak photographer based in Ružomberok. His work encompasses various themes, including:
- Male Beauty: Peter gained recognition for his striking photographs of men, capturing their strength, sensuality, and spirituality. His images often explore themes such as identity, sexuality, and intimacy.
- Nude Photography: Peter also engages in nude photography, producing tasteful and elegant images that portray the beauty of the human body in a natural and realistic manner.
- Nature: With a deep respect for nature, Peter reflects this in his impressive landscape photographs, capturing the beauty and majesty of the Slovak countryside.
- Social Photography: Peter delves into social photography, documenting people’s lives in various environments. His powerful and emotive images often focus on topics like poverty, marginalization, and social injustices.
In addition to his artistic endeavors, Peter provides various commercial services, including:
- Wedding Photography: Capturing your wedding day in beautiful and emotive photographs.
- Portrait Photography: Creating beautiful and professional portraits that capture your unique personality.
- Advertising Photography: Assisting in promoting your business or product through captivating and effective images.
- Graphic Design and Social Media Management: Offering services related to graphic design and social media.
- Video Shooting and Editing at a Professional Level: Providing professional video shooting and editing services.
Peter Erzvo Zvonar is a talented and versatile photographer with international recognition for his impressive work. If you’re seeking a photographer capable of capturing the beauty and emotions of your life, Peter is the right choice.
Peter has received several awards for his photography, and his work has been exhibited at various international exhibitions in Prague, Ružomberok, Vrútky, Dubai, and New York.
Additionally, Peter offers photography courses and workshops.

Peter Erzvo Zvonar je slovenský fotograf so sídlom v Ružomberku. Jeho práca sa zameriava na rôzne témy, vrátane:
- Mužská krása: Peter sa preslávil svojimi pôsobivými fotografiami mužov, ktoré zachytávajú ich silu, zmyselnosť a duchovnosť. Jeho snímky často skúmajú témy ako identita, sexualita a intimita.
- Akt: Peter sa venuje aj aktovej fotografii, pričom jeho snímky sú vkusné a elegantné. Dokáže zachytiť krásu ľudského tela prirodzeným a realistickým spôsobom.
- Príroda: Peter má hlbokú úctu k prírode, čo sa odráža v jeho pôsobivých fotografiách krajiny. Jeho snímky zachytávajú krásu a majestátnosť slovenského vidieka.
- Sociálna fotografia: Peter sa venuje aj sociálnej fotografii, ktorá dokumentuje životy ľudí v rôznych prostrediach. Jeho snímky sú silné a emotívne a často sa zameriavajú na témy ako chudoba, marginalizácia a sociálne nespravodlivosti.
Okrem svojej umeleckej tvorby Peter ponúka aj rôzne komerčné služby, ako napríklad:
- Svadobná fotografia: Peter zachytí váš svadobný deň v krásnych a emotívnych fotografiách, na ktoré budete spomínať celý život.
- Portrétna fotografia: Peter vám vytvorí krásne a profesionálne portréty, ktoré zachytia vašu jedinečnú osobnosť.
- Reklamná fotografia: Peter vám pomôže propagovať vašu firmu alebo produkt pomocou pútavých a efektívnych fotografií.
- Grafické práce a správu sociálnych sieti.
- Natáčanie a strih videa na profesionálnej úrovni.
Peter Erzvo Zvonar je talentovaný a všestranný fotograf, ktorý si získal medzinárodné uznanie za svoje pôsobivé práce. Ak hľadáte fotografa, ktorý dokáže zachytiť krásu a emócie vášho života, Peter je tou správnou voľbou.
Peter je držiteľom niekoľkých ocenení za svoju fotografiu.
Jeho práce boli vystavené na rôznych domácich a medzinárodných výstavách: Praha, Ružomberok, Vrútky, Dubaj, New York
Peter ponúka aj fotografické kurzy a workshopy.